The arrival of VR in our daily lives

The global market for virtual reality masks is expected to generate $48.2 billion in 2022,reflecting the how dynamic and popular the market is.  The technical prowess of this concentration of innovation, often found in video games, movies or amusement parks, is now being put to use in our daily lives. It doesn’t go shopping for us and doesn’t drop children off at school for us either, but it is gradually getting into places where we didn’t expect it just a few years ago.


A few years ago, could you imagine yourself participating in a meeting with a virtual reality helmet on the tip of your nose? I did not!  This device can be used for all types of training and trades. Training for your sales representatives can then take on its full meaning because they will be able to train on very realistic scenarios that they will find on their usual days. Thus the manager can observe their reactions and correct them in real time.

We can also imagine, for technicians, training on machine maintenance. The practice is not always easy in a group because you have to be able to observe all the steps. Here, thanks to the mask, each trainee has personalized training, which he follows alone and at his own pace. Gone are the days of fountain pens and draft notebooks.


Pain, operations, rehabilitation … all this can be observed before a real case occurs. Asking a medical student to perform an operation alone for the first time is not easy, with VR the “training” phase of the operation is more realistic. By the time the student is in a real life situation, he or she will have already performed the steps many times so will have a safer hand.

VR is also used increasingly for the treatment of anxieties, fears and phobias. The fear of emptiness, for example, can be addressed with the VR helmet. Here, virtual reality is used as a complement to classical therapy. Confronting frightening notions with the support of a professional is reassuring.

And if agoraphobia were to be treated with a virtual reality mask, might that interest you?

Shopping experience

Yes, shopping! Outside of e-commerce platforms, shopping means touching things. What if you could now try it without touching?

It is now possible to try on a dress or test how to put up or take down a tent remotely. Trying digitally before buying physically is feasible, so there is no longer any need to send your aunt into the garden or wait in fitting rooms to see if you like a product. The Swedish giant has developed this principle for “Kitchen VR Experiences”, allowing you to immerse yourself in a virtual reality kitchen and create your ideal kitchen.

What can we imagine for the next step? A fully virtual shop?

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