According to an IBM study, companies that deploy e-Learning strategies and tools have the ability to increase their productivity by more than 50%. For every dollar used, it is estimated that the return on investment would be $30 in productivity gains.
Support your teams in the implementation of your Quality policy
Train your employees in the proper implementation of your project processes
Build your skills in the Management of your resources (material, financial or human)
Supporting companies in their need to innovate and their desire for digital transformation
Raise awareness and train all your teams in risk analysis and control
Train your field staff in the security requirements that cover people and property
Make your employees aware of the many Health and Safety standards
Provide HR staff with innovative tools to support newcomers
Train your project Managers to implement, monitor and achieve their goals
Build your managers’ and team leaders’ skills and develop their ability to steer, organize, empower and animate their teams
Improve internal and external communication strategies
Make your employees aware of the importance of cultural diversity within the company
Make your employees aware of the importance of cultural diversity within the company
Train your employees to use new software in an effective and fun way
Increase your teams’ awareness of good company Data Management practices and the dangers of the internet network
Ensure employees are aware of the confidentiality of the company’s resources
Smart Learning
Results & Benefits
Accelerate skills acquisition
Boost your training with “agile” methods
Offer “just-in-time” support to your employees
Broadcast your messages in a consistent way
increase efficiency
Certify your employees
Capitalize on your teams’ field experience
Disseminate good practices
Hire your employees
Develop the community through experience sharing
Improve the image of training
Keep in touch with your learners throughout the year