Mobile Learning, also known as M-Learning is a fast and accessible learning mode. This educational system provides constant access to knowledge using mobile devices: Smartphones, tablets and laptops. It is often associated with Blended Learning strategies by training managers.
Mobile Learning, discover accessibility
In recent years, Mobile Learning has established itself in the context of professional learning. Mobile has become a fully-fledged digital tool in which its basic functions are expanded. Discover some of its advantages:
Mobile has become a fully-fledged digital tool in which its basic functions are expanded. Discover some of its advantages:
Mobile has become a fully-fledged digital tool in which its basic functions are expanded. Discover some of its advantages:
Accessibility and speed of the format
Mobile first seems to be preferred in many situations, including learning.Adapted to new uses
A large part of the population is equipped with mobile. It has even become an indispensable tool for many people.Learning flexibility
Learners can adapt their learning according to their schedule and not the other way around. Learning is no longer restricted to specific times or places.
Accessibility and speed of the format
Adapted to new uses
Learning flexibility
“Thanks to the new Games of TER – Digital Support training application, our agents will be able to help our customers who need it on the SNCF app and TER sites.”