Yann Teyssier, CEO of ITycom, looks back on 2020, a year like no other …
As experts in Digital Learning, ITycom has been supporting companies for more than 12 years with the digitalization of their training, information and communication systems.
On March 16, 2020, lockdown wrought havoc with our lifestyles. What was ITycom’s experience of this extraordinary year?
YT: “The first quarter of 2020 remained substantially stable, projects and support requests were maintained.
The second quarter was marked by an economy “under wraps”. Current projects were able to continue but any new project was frozen.
In the third quarter, Digital gradually turned from “Nice to Have” to “Must Have”. As most budgets are still frozen, we saw the emergeance of a trend whereby companies decided to digitalize with whatever means they have to hand.
It was only in the last quarter of 2020 that we noticed an acceleration, an awareness on the part of our interlocutors. Digital is becoming an essential, even a priority, investment.
Thanks to an agile and competent team that we have been able to stay the course despite the difficulties imposed by the changes in the way we work.“
In this unusual context, how did your market behave?
YT: “We were contacted by two types of profiles: companies who wanted to accelerate their transition to Digital and companies already convinced by Digital Learning who wanted to continue their Digitalization and adapt their supports and materials.“
What solutions did ITycom offer to adapt to the context?
YT: “The year of a business is often marked by events and seminars, both internal and external.
For many companies, keeping those moments together was important. It was, therefore, a question of transforming a face-to-face event into a remote event. To meet this demand, we have managed to offer support for the creation and facilitation of Webinars and Virtual Classes. “
Do you think Digital Learning accessible to all types of businesses?
YT: “The Digital transformation of companies has been one of the key topics of the past few years.
The current context, limited travel and new ways of organising work have only accentuated the need for Digitilization.
With this in mind, ITycom has created a financing offer to enable as many people as possible to finance their tailor-made Digital Learning projects, without jeopardising their cash flow.
It is now possible to get a tailor-made e-Learning module in 3 months and pay for it in 3 years!
So companies can undertake digital transformation with complete peace of mind. “
What are you expecting for 2021?
We are constantly seeking to improve training systems and to adapt as closely as possible to the needs of each person. We recently developed an Adaptive Learning product: e-Cadencia.
This new intelligent platform, coupled with Micro Learning, makes it possible to adapt training to the pace of life, knowledge and needs of each learner.